Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2018
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


January 16, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Harris.  Present were Ms. Pitt and Mrs. Paight. Also present were Ellen Smith, Town Administrator, Rita Grace and David Durocher.

Mr. Durocher commented on the presentation by Underwood Engineering at the public hearing for the Water Asset Management Plan.  Chairman Harris explained the importance of the Asset Management Plan and the main purpose of the grant was to inventory our infrastructure. Having the plan completed will allow the Town to seek grant and loan funding to fix and or repair parts of the system.  There was discussion about who would pay for the work that needs to be done, water users or all taxpayers.  The Board reiterated that the next step was to prioritize the projects that need to be undertaken and identifying funding sources is one piece of that process; each will be researched very carefully. Ms. Grace and Mr. Durocher left the meeting at 7:30.

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the renewal of the contract with Radner PC Troubleshooting for IT services at the Library.  The Board of Selectmen believes it is necessary to receive logs for maintenance and service calls.  This became an issue between the Library Director, contractor and Board of Selectmen.  Mrs. Paight moved and Chairman Harris seconded the following motion; Due to the fact that the Board of Selectmen will be evaluating IT services, town wide, the contract as proposed by Mr. Radner, without changes, is acceptable for one year, vote to approve was unanimous.

Mrs. Paight moved and Ms. Pitt seconded a motion to have Chairman Harris sign both the contract with NOBIS for the well assessment and possible repairs and the SWRPC agreement for assistance with the preparation of the LEOP, vote to approve was unanimous.

Mrs. Paight moved and Chairman Harris seconded a motion to accept the January 18, 2018 Direct Deposit Register in the amount of $8,010.95 and Payroll Check Register in the amount of $1,288.74 and the January 16, 2018 Accounts Payable in the amount of $28,139.76, vote to approve was unanimous.

Chairman Harris moved and Mrs. Paight seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting, vote to approve was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Smith

Town Administrator