Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 1, 2016


August 1, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:30AM by Chairman Pitt.  Present were Selectmen Mrs. Paight and Mrs. Harris, and Administrative Assistant Ms. Booth.  Also present was John Hatfield. 


9:30AM – John Hatfield, Commerford Neider Perkins, LLC (CNP)

The Board discussed with Mr. Hatfield the current equalization ratio for the Town of Marlborough and where CNP believes the ratio may change with the town-wide assessment being conducted.  Mr. Hatfield explained how the property revaluation is conducted and where in the process CNP was with the Town of Marlborough.  They are still conducting field reviews to make sure visible information is correct, along with the new values assessed.  He told the Selectmen a list of all town properties and reassessment values would be given to the Selectmen.   Letters with new values will be sent to all property owners and then CNP would be available by telephone and for meetings on specified dates to talk with any property owners that wish to go over their reassessment.      

Mr. Hatfield discussed with the Selectmen the time table for the new property values to be entered into the assessment program used by the Town. All values should be available on the site by October 1st.  Mr. Hatfield left at 10:15AM.

Brian Tarr, Highway Department Manager, joined the meeting at 10:15AM.  He discussed with the Selectmen roadside brush clearing that had been done throughout the Town and specifically on McKinley Circle.  He also discussed with the Selectmen what has been happening with water lines within the Town.   No actions were taken.  Mr. Tarr left at 10:35AM.

Police Chief Chris Lyons joined the meeting at 10:35AM. 

Chief Lyons brought the Selectmen up to date on the happenings within the Police Department.   Chief Lyons requested a Nonpublic Session.

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session was made by Chairman Pitt and seconded by Mrs. Paight, per RSA 91-A:3, II (a) at 10:40AM. 

Roll Call vote to enter Nonpublic session; Mrs. Paight – Yes, Mrs. Harris – Yes, Ms. Pitt – Yes.

Nonpublic session was entered into at 10:42AM. 

Public session reconvened at 11:05AM. 

Motion to seal minutes was made by Chairman Pitt and seconded by Mrs. Paight, because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board.

Roll Call vote to seal minutes: Mrs. Paight – Yes, Mrs. Harris – Yes, Ms. Pitt – Yes. 

Motion passed.

Chief Lyons shared a letter from the Superintendent of Schools, Robert H. Malay.  The letter referenced the appreciation the Marlborough School has for the dedicated members of the Marlborough Police Department.  Chief Lyons left at 11:15AM.

Mr. Bob Raymond joined the meeting at 11:15AM.  He stated he’d noticed a property on Main Street that had a yard sale a couple of weeks ago and had left unsold items near the sidewalk, free for the taking.  Those items were still there.  He asked the Selectmen if there was an ordinance pertaining to yard sales.  The Selectmen stated there is The Town of Marlborough Zoning Ordinance.  A letter will be sent to the property owner. Mr. Raymond left at 11:17AM. 



 Mrs. Harris moved and Mrs. Paight seconded the motion to accept the minutes of the 7/25/2016 as amended.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Chairman Pitt moved and Mrs. Paight seconded the motion to cancel the Monday evening Selectmen’s meeting.    Vote to approve was unanimous.  Ms. Booth will make sure a notice is posted on the front door of the Town Offices and at the Post Office. 

Mrs. Paight moved and Mrs. Harris seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 11:35AM. 


Respectfully submitted,

    Sharon Booth

                                                                                                                                                            Administrative Assistant