Meeting Minutes

December 29, 2017
Meeting date: 
Friday, December 29, 2017


December 29, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M. by Chairman Harris.  Present were Ms. Pitt and Mrs. Paight. Also present were Ellen Smith, Town Administrator and Tony Cavaliere, Water Superintendent.

Mr. Cavaliere updated the Board on a few ongoing issues.  He is in the process of pricing a generator for Pleasant Street and will be meeting with the Electrical Inspector over the weekend to discuss what would be necessary for the facility.  Well #3 is in need of attention as it is unable to keep up with demand.  Mr. Cavaliere is looking into cleaning the well filters and what that entails. The Town has been preapproved for $ 60,000 in funds for Asset Management Plans for sewer and storm water; this will need Town Meeting approval. 

The Board discussed coming up with a plan to move forward with the water system infrastructure issues that need to be addressed by prioritizing projects and investigating engineering procedures.  In addition to the State Revolving Fund there may be funds available through USDA Rural Development. The Selectmen may decide to put the cost of engineering for the loop and river crossing in the budget.  These costs may be reimbursable through the State Revolving Fund, this will be further investigated.

Ms. Pitt moved Mrs. Paight seconded a motion to encumber $ 5,000 for a plow on the Highway one ton, $ 3,000 for Highway tree work and $ 5,500 for Cemetery tree work, vote to approve was unanimous.

The Board discussed the Police Chief’s concerns regarding the lack of incentive for officers to work on holidays.  Chairman Harris moved and Ms. Pitt seconded a motion to allow overtime pay for hours actually worked on holidays beginning January 1, 2018, this replaces any other arrangements in effect in the past, vote to approve was unanimous.

Chairman Harris moved and Mrs. Paight seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting, vote to approve was 3-0.  Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Ellen Smith

Town Administrator