The Federated Church of Marlborough

The Federated Church

“Marlborough's Community Church”

No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at the Federated Church.

Sunday worship –  at 10 a.m. – is at 16 Pleasant St. Couples, singles, seniors, searchers and crying babies are welcome at our family friendly and handicap accessible sanctuary. Come for a Sunday service, come to stay.  

We are  the town's only remaining church with a rich history going back to when it was founded in 1778 as the Congegationalist Society. In 1927 the Congregational members merged with the town's Methodist and Universalist congregations as the Federated Church of Marlborough.

Today the church is very active in the community, is the home of the town’s food pantry and hosts many local events at its Community House at 160 Main St. 

Check us out on our website ( ) and on Facebook